Source code for jii_multispeq.device.command

Commands are raw communication with the MultispeQ device.

import json
import re
import warnings
from tabulate import tabulate
from jii_multispeq.measurement.checksum import strip_crc32
from jii_multispeq.measurement.sanitize import sanitize
from jii_multispeq.constants import REGEX_RETURN_END

[docs] def is_connected ( connection=None ): """ Test the connection to a MultispeQ. :param connection: Connection to the MultispeQ. :type connection: serial :return: True if a MultispeQ is connected, otherwise False :rtype: bool """ # Set timeout to 0.01 connection.timeout = .01 if not connection.is_open: return False # Send handshake phrase connection.write( "hello".encode() ) # Send linebreak to start command connection.write( "\r\n".encode() ) # Data string data = "" # Read port while True: read = connection.readline() # Decode and append received data data += read.decode() # Stop reading when linebreak received if "\n" in read.decode(): break # Remove checksum if available data, crc32 = strip_crc32( data ) connection.timeout = None if data == 'MultispeQ Ready': print("MultispeQ found") return True return False
[docs] def get_memory ( connection=None, verbose=False ): """ Get the MultispeQ setting saved in its memory (EEPROM). :param connection: Connection to the MultispeQ. :type connection: serial :return: Instrument data and CRC32 checksum :rtype: dict, str """ # Set timeout to 0.01 connection.timeout = .01 # Send handshake phrase connection.write( "print_memory".encode() ) # Send linebreak to start command connection.write( "\r\n".encode() ) # Data string data = "" # Regular expression to test for CRC32 checksum prog = re.compile( REGEX_RETURN_END ) # Read port while True: read = connection.readline() # Decode and append received data data += read.decode() # Stop reading when linebreak received if break data, crc32 = strip_crc32( data ) # Sanitize quotes data = sanitize( data ) try: data = json.loads(data) pass except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(e) pass # Display Information if verbose: output = tabulate( data.items() , headers=['Parameter', 'Value']) print( output ) # Reset timeout connection.timeout = None return data, crc32
[docs] def send_command ( connection=None, command="", verbose=False ): """ Send a command to a MultispeQ device. :param connection: Connection to the MultispeQ. :type connection: serial :param command: Command :type command: str :return: Instrument output :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if no connection is defined :raises ValueError: if command is not provided as a string :raises Exception: if connection is not open or device connected """ if connection is None: raise ValueError("A connection for the MultispeQ needs to be defined") if not isinstance(command, str): raise ValueError("Provided command needs to be a string") # Check if the connection is open if not connection.is_open: raise Exception("Connection not open, connect device to port first") # Set timeout to 0.01 connection.timeout = .01 # Check if it is a known command prog = re.compile( r"|".join(CMDS) ) if not command ): warnings.warn("Unknown command, it might not work.") prog = re.compile( REGEX_RETURN_END ) # Send command connection.write( command.encode() ) # Send linebreak to start command connection.write( "\r\n".encode() ) # Read port data = "" while True: read = connection.readline().decode() data += read if verbose is True and (read != ""): print(read) # Stop reading when linebreak received if break # Reset timeout connection.timeout = None return data
## List of commands CMDS = [ "1053", "battery", "compiled", "configure_bluetooth", "device_info", "digital_write", "expr", "flow_calibration_set_point", "flow_calibration_setting", "flow_calibration_value", "flow_off", "flow_v", "get_flow", "hall", "hello", "indicate", "indicate_off", "light", "memory", "on_5v", "p2p", "par_led", "print_all", "print_date", "print_magnetometer", "print_magnetometer_bias", "print_memory","pulse", "readonce", "reboot", "reset", "reset_flow_calibration", "reset_flow_zero_point", "scan_i2c", "set_accelerometer", "set_accelerometer_bias", "set_colorcal1", "set_colorcal2", "set_colorcal3", "set_colorcal_blanks", "set_cp", "set_dac", "set_date", "set_default_flow_rate", "set_detector1_offset", "set_detector2_offset", "set_detector3_offset", "set_detector4_offset", "set_device_info", "set_energy_save_time", "set_flow", "set_led_par", "set_magnetometer", "set_magnetometer_bias", "set_op", "set_open_closed_positions", "set_par", "set_serial", "set_shutdown_time", "set_thickness", "set_thickness_quick", "set_user_defined", "single_pulse", "sleep", "start_watchdog", "stop_watchdog", "tcs_length", "temp", "testmode", "upgrade", "usb" ]